Our Portfolio
Listed below are companies we own fully or partly, also companies that we have distributorship agreements with ourselves or negotiated between companies that we administer
Guvtec Germicidal UVC Ltd
GUVTEC* germicidal UV is a registered company that is part of QUAVEL INVESTMENTS, formed in October 2019, the company acquired the distribution rights TECHNILAMP* Pty LTD in Europe, TECHNILAMP* is a South African based company that manufactures and distributes UVC luminaires.
Technilamp Pty Ltd
Technilamp is a manufacturer and distributor of infrared and ultraviolet lights (UVA, UVB andUVC) in South Africa. They are the distributors of the Philips range of ultraviolet and infrared lamps as well as the sole distributors of Alpha Cure curing lamps and Toshiba Infrared lamps
In August 2016, the company became a proud member of the Voltex Electrical Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bidvest Limited
GUVTEC* germicidal UV
Tracontime Pty Ltd
We have a minority stake in Tracontime a South African based company that focuses on vehicle tracking and fleet management.
Tracontime offers fleet operators unlimited access to information about their vehicles and drivers, with a host of features, tools, and reports to help maximize return on investment.
Alphapharm Ltd
QUAVEL investments ltd distributes ALPHA PHARMA products in Europe and Africa, APLHA PHARMA is a Life Science Company. In the field of technological innovation, at the service of an increasingly complex and articulated demand for health, ensuring the highest standards of products.
They have a range of diagnostic products jointly linked to Telemedicine, which provides data for both the clinician and patient to manage their treatment, they are focused on Diabetic Diagnostics to Covid-19 Blood and PCR test and automated monitoring.